
Diet….What Diet? Its a Lifestyle :-)

What Tigers are fed on? Milk wont even be a remote option on KBC…Right?

In these articles while spreading awareness about the balanced and more appropriate dietary intake, I have been sharing some interesting facts too (could be hard to believe first -:) ). So do you know our friendly neighborhood pet – Cats, are Lactose Intolerant? They lack in an enzyme called Lactase, crucial for digesting the lactose (sugar) in milk. And thus its very hard on cats (and most dogs too) to consume and digest the milk. And we, all the time, happily feed them with milk alone, while cats primarily being a carnivorous animal 🙁

A Paradigm Shift in Technology and Lifestyle

So what’s with our diet? – To eat what is recommended either a) based on conventional wisdom (?), or b) based on Scientific & more of research based facts which are evolving with respect to time. For eg. the basic Computers of 1950s occupying an entire room, and a tiny Smartwatch of 2020 that is million times powerful than that of the computers in 50s. Thus its imperative to understand that these technology changes are not just triggering lifestyle evolution but also have been immensely impacting the lifestyles over last 4-5 decades.

Has our diet changed with respect to the changes in Technology ? A BIG NO

How does that matter from diet standpoint? Well a whole lot! Many books I’ve been referring to those were written (based on Western Medical Sciences / Researches) in the last century are NOW proving OBSOLETE for the most part. Sad isn’t it? But lets not blame the authors as the content / recommendations were based on the conventional wisdom prevalent at that time courtesy the key drivers – AHA (American Heart Association) and ADA (American Diabetic Association). On the other side, our ancient sciences and the diet prescribed in few related books I referred, also requires alterations & adaptations owing to the changed lifestyles (For Eg. Milk, Honey are key ingredients per these Sciences, but which may no longer be justified in today’s world – For multiple reasons which would require another article to explain.)

The Cat Analogy:

The fundamental difference between what was recommended in 1970 by AHA and ADA was High Carb, Moderate Protein and Low / Moderate Fat (which was mostly Omega 6 PUFA / MUFA fats due to strong Food / Agricultural industry lobbies) diet. Now go back to the reference of the Cat above. Millennial and 1-2 earlier generations are great examples of the Cat phenomenon mentioned above – We were fed with something (Low Quality / Modified, Simple Carbs) which was definitely impacting our metabolic systems, and we were also kept deprived of something which was really very heart friendly (Healthy Fats – Saturated fats) – Leading to many of these metabolic disorders.

Diet is not ONLY WITH the prescription pills, its our everyday / lifelong regime! Go grab it & thank yourself 🙂

So the need of the hour is revisit and change our diet with respect to our changed lifestyle + the hundreds and thousands of changes which have happened to the world we are living in. Our diet (food intake) can NOT be the same as our earlier generations have been consuming (If we strongly aim to attain healthy metabolism). Diet is not something which is required to be adapted by someone who is ill, or has some health situation / disorders, or is on medication etc. But it is to be considered as a key lifestyle pillar for living a more healthy, joyous and longer life.

We’ll continue discussing on similar topics in our subsequent articles.

Stay Tuned 🏋

“A fit, healthy body—that is the best fashion statement” ― Jess C Scott

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