Trainee Details & Enrol FormTrainee enrol for eatRight Programs NameFirstLastEmail address*AgeGender*Please selectMaleFemalePrefer not to discloseHeightWeightSleep QualityDaily Diet PatternHealth / Fitness GoalsExisting Medication DetailsPhysical conditions / ConstraintsPlease type the characters*This helps us prevent spam, thank you.This program is a collaborative process that requires active & invested participation The trainee (they) acknowledges that they take full responsibility for their well-being & all decisions made during and after they participate for the eatRight program The trainee expressly assumes the risk associated with dietary & workout interventions, including the risk of trying new foods & risks inherent in making Lifestyle Changes Success of eatRight Program is largely dependent on trainees’ willingness to define & accept goals & try new approaches. They determine the goals & outcomes & they are ultimately responsible for the choices & actions they take. I have read above details and agree to the Terms and Conditions.UntitledSendThis field should be left blank